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Автор Тема: A320 Captains and First Officers - Vietnam  (Прочитано 1730 раз)
VOR Holdings

Karma: +0/-0

« : 10.04.2018, 06:01:58 am »

We have immediate positions available for Airbus A320 Captains and A320 First Officers with Jetstar Pacific Airlines. Jetstar Pacific has a fleet of 19 A320-200 aircraft and will have 30 A320 Aircraft by 2020.

Jetstar Pacific Airlines is based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and hires nearly all foreign pilots. The airline has Australian and American senior management and operates very efficiently. The airline is owned 30% by Qantas Airlines and 70% by Vietnam Airlines.

Jetstar Pacific hires male pilots under 63 and female pilots under 58. For a 6 week ON, 2 week OFF work schedule or 3 weeks ON, 1 week OFF work schedule, the airline pays $11,750 USD per month for Captains and $7,380 USD per month for First Officers. Other work schedules are available.

Males: Under age of 63
Females: Under age of 58
Captains: 5,500 hours total time
1,500 hours PIC
500 hours PIC in A320
First Officers: 1,500 hours total time
500 hours in type

Current in A320 within the previous six months

Contract term: 3 years (renewable) Contact us to schedule your interview.

Please contact me at [email protected]
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